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Why Choose M&A Tools from EKNOW?

1. The Most Future-Proof Foundation

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for an architecture that is fundamentally, vastly more flexible, extensible, and rapidly advancing.

2. Most Robust Capabilities

EKNOW M&A Tools comes with dozens of built-in modules. Several of them will be critical to your daily workflows. And in every M&A Tools module you use, you’ll find hundreds of time saving touches and easy to use features, to allow you to accomplish just about anything.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for robust, high-end capabilities previously out of reach for most corporate development teams and mid-sized acquirers.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools to ensure that when your requirements change, you will have the tools you need.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools to be ready for best practices you would like to apply in the future. Hide them until then. Over time, enable more modules and options for incremental efficiencies, at your own pace.


3. Easiest to Use High-End Tool

Mergers and acquisitions, like all major transformative activity, will always be complex and challenging.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the most effective solution for taming their complexity and making M&A, if not easy, then at least as easy as a tool can make it.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for a comprehensive, coherent user interface model, perfectly optimized for its M&A mission, that can be quickly grasped by anyone.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the cleanest, most structured and organized presentation of every type of data managed.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools because so much can be done via quick email interactions, without ever logging into the full M&A Tools navigation.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for its dashboard views for rank and file users, which make day-to-day tasks in the system as easy as possible.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for a platform that is so easy to use for external and occasional users, that EKNOW allows unlimited external or seller side users.


4. Best M&A-Tailored Reporting

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the most immediately, practically useful reporting, optimized specifically for its M&A mission, with simple filtering for what’s important.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for its flexible, attractive dashboard views – viewable directly in the system or emailed on schedule to executive information consumers.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for dashboard hot-lists of summary data, with infinite drill-in/back-out.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the most streamlined, uncluttered charts and graphs, whose details and legend information appear on-demand via interactive tooltips.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for (with Release 22) the simplest, most transparent weekly management status reporting and archiving.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools to see any data type rolled up in every way that’s important to you – whether diligence items grouped by review status, risks grouped by impact level, etc. – in one click.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for its unique “heat maps” that show, from 60,000 feet, exactly where any performance problems may be. Of course, with infinite drill-in/back-out.


5. Fully M&A-Optimized Access Control

EKNOW’s M&A-specific Access Control Framework uniquely mirrors the real-world M&A contributor roles, inside and outside the organization, up and down the management hierarchy. M&A Tools in effect implements the full role “ecosystem” of your M&A activity.

So choose EKNOW M&A Tools for by far the most natural and powerful way to manage M&A data and users.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the flexibility to add any type of user, and ensure those users can see everything they need – but nothing they shouldn’t.


6. The Best User Model

Choose EKNOW M&A tools to avoid any administrative or bureaucratic obstacles to adding users yourself, whenever you need them.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools to avoid per-user fees of any kind.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for unlimited external sell-side users, for even the smallest Corporate Development Team customer.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools to eliminate the filters and bottlenecks of “gatekeepers,” who must consolidate and enter data for other users.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools to turn former gatekeepers into force multipliers: Allow them to collect all updates directly from the source, securely, no matter how many individuals that might be, and without filters or bottlenecks.


7. To Look Great

We designed EKNOW M&A Tools Release 22 to have a look that is highly polished and attractive, professional looking, and confidence inspiring. Not just good looking, but “right” looking.

So choose EKNOW M&A Tools to make the best impression on the executive team.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the most inviting yet authoritative appearance to end-users.

M&A consultants and partners, choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the most polished and authoritative client pitches. Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the most appealing, confidence inspiring weekly reporting throughout your consulting engagements.


8. Best Partner Support Platform

If you are an M&A or transformation consulting firm, you have even more reason to choose EKNOW M&A Tools.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the only dedicated M&A platform from any vendor, independent or not, which can be quickly tailored to meet special engagement requirements without writing a single line of code, or even restarting the client system.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the only independent M&A platform specifically developed for M&A consultants since 2006.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools for the only fully integrated multi-engagement consulting support platform.

Choose EKNOW M&A Tools to monitor and manage support of all of your M&A engagements simultaneously in a single M&A Tools support dashboard.